Higher Mathematics   Solving tasks and exercises - OnLine
./ Main page /Matrix multiplication, STEP-1 >

Short theory information...

Matrix multiplication (general form) - OnLine and Free :   |A| x |B| = |C|

Matrix multiplication will be done right on a webpage, with output of all results and comments in between, you just need to enter matrix sizes and click the [Next-->] button. The calculating process will be displayed as detailed as possible. If this is the first time you're using our service, then we recommend you to learn the rules about form filling.

Also see : about the service.

To calculate the matrix |C|, you need to enter matrix sizes |A|,|B| and the number representation.
Matrix |A| - lines: X :columns
Matrix |B| - lines: X :columns

Number representation :
Integers and (or) common fractions
Integers and (or) decimal fractions

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